Deploy your Project

Deployment is the key feature of the platform. It's the process of setting up the images on your node.

Deployment workflows are similar for each type and version of projects but there's difference between the capabilities. You can find out more about the differences of deployment capabilities between versionless and versioned projects here.

Step 1: Open the project or version you would like to deploy. To demonstrate the process, we used a versionless project.

Step 2: Click 'Add deployment'.

Step 3: Select the node in the 'Add deployment' block. After that, click 'Add' on the top right corner of the block.

Step 4: The images of the project will be listed. By clicking on the gear icon, you are able to define and adjust configuration variables. Learn more about Configuration management here.

Step 5: Click 'Deploy'. If everything goes right, deployment status should switch from 'Preparing' to 'In progress'. When deployment's complete the status should turn 'Successful'.

You can see status change for each image on the 2nd picture below.

Protected deployments

There are protected deployments that prevent you from overwriting your deployments from another project. This is a helpful measure when you manage dozens or hundreds of environments, and a misplaced click can hurt your users by an outage.

  • Rolling versions: You can't deploy it if a protected deployment exists with the same prefix on the node.

  • Incremental versions: You can't deploy it if a protected deployment exists of a different version with the same prefix on the node.

Deployment deletion

Deleting a deployment will only remove the containers from the platform. Infrastructure related data, including volumes and networks, will remain stored on the node.


When you can't deploy a version or a project because node status turns outdated, you should navigate to your node's edit page and update the agent by clicking the Update button.

Last updated