Proxies provide secure connection when you set up the platform for self-managed use. But they can be useful for any other uses, when you need a firewall, or you'd like to hide your location, and so on.
When you set up the platform, we highly recommend you to use a proxy, such as Traefik or NGINX, to secure your network.
Traefik is used by default, as seen in the docker-compose designed for production use.
By default we recommend using Traefik but if you already use NGINX then here's an example.
When you configure NGINX for the platform, keep in mind the following:
Inbound traffic needs to be directed towards 3 containers: kratos, crux-ui, and crux. The 5 locations defined are below:
/kratos (needs to be stripped)
Locations routed to crux-ui:
Locations routed to crux:
Example NGINX config with default ports:
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