Add GitHub Registry

Step 1: Open Registries on the left and click ‘Add’ on the top right.

Step 2: Enter your registry’s name and select an icon.

Tip: You can write a description, so others on your team can understand what’s the purpose of this registry.

Step 3: Select GitHub Registry type.

Step 4: Select if you'd like to add an organization or a user.

Step 5: In the corresponding fields, enter:

  • Your GitHub user name,

  • Personal access token generated in GitHub with the steps documented here. Select the repo and read:packages scopes. Repo scope is required due to GitHub's limitations. You're still able to add public GitHub registries, too.

  • And your organization’s or your user's GitHub name.

Only classic tokens are supported. Fine-grained tokens aren't supported yet.

Step 6: Click ‘Save’ button on the top right.

Last updated