Quick start

Self-managed setup is only supported in Docker as of now, Kubernetes support is in the works.


Use docker-compose.yaml.


The docker-compose below is only designed for demoing the platform, we don't suggest using it for any other use.

Use docker-compose.http-only.yaml.


Use CLI.

System Recommendations

  • 1 CPUs

  • 8 GB RAM

  • Docker or Podman installed

Why it's worth it

Self-managed dyrector.io is free, unlimited, forever.

This freedom comes with a trade-off. While we'll still offer support on our Discord server, we take no responsibility for maintaining your own instance of the platform and we won't prioritize giving support over other users. Make sure you use the latest version for a consistent experience.

While we won't put a cap on the number of nodes, deployments, projects you manage with your self-managed instance, as with every self-managed software, environment or database related problems might occur, which we take no responsibility for. For a seamless experience, give the cloud-hosted platform a look.

Last updated